Goong Hor Toey (กุ้งห่อเตย):Thai Pandan-Wrapped Shrimp

กุ้งห่อเตย (Goong Hor Toey): Exploring the Thai Pandan-Wrapped Shrimp

กุ้งห่อเตย (Goong Hor Toey): Exploring the Thai Pandan-Wrapped Shrimp


กุ้งห่อเตย (Goong Hor Toey) is a delightful Thai dish that showcases succulent shrimp wrapped in fragrant pandan leaves. This unique preparation method imparts a wonderful aroma and flavor to the dish, making it a cherished favorite among Thai food enthusiasts, both local and foreign.


Here’s how you can prepare Goong Hor Toey at home:

  1. Start with fresh, large shrimp that have been peeled and deveined.
  2. Marinate the shrimp with a mixture of minced garlic, cilantro root, white pepper, and a touch of soy sauce.
  3. Wrap each marinated shrimp with a pandan leaf, securing it with a toothpick.
  4. Deep-fry the pandan-wrapped shrimp until they turn golden brown and crispy.
  5. Serve with a dipping sauce made from sweet chili sauce, vinegar, and crushed peanuts.

This unique Thai dish has garnered popularity among foreigners exploring Thai cuisine due to its captivating presentation and delicious flavor. The combination of tender shrimp and the enticing fragrance of pandan leaves makes Goong Hor Toey a must-try appetizer or snack for those seeking an authentic Thai dining experience.