Krua Song Sao Sod Sai Phak (ครัวซองค์สอดไส้ผัก)

Krua Song Sao Sod Sai Phak (ครัวซองค์สอดไส้ผัก)

Introduction to Krua Song Sao Sod Sai Phak (ครัวซองค์สอดไส้ผัก)

Krua Song Sao Sod Sai Phak, also known as Stuffed Vegetables with Egg, is a delightful Thai dish that combines the freshness of vegetables with the richness of eggs. It’s a versatile and healthy option, perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.



  • Assorted fresh vegetables (such as bell peppers, zucchini, or eggplants)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Fresh herbs (e.g., Thai basil or cilantro) for garnish


  1. Prepare the vegetables by cutting off the tops and removing the seeds or cores.
  2. Beat the eggs in a bowl and set them aside.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat.
  4. Add minced garlic to the pan and sauté until fragrant.
  5. Stuff the prepared vegetables with the beaten eggs, making sure to distribute them evenly.
  6. Place the stuffed vegetables in the pan and cook until the eggs are fully set and the vegetables are tender.
  7. Season with fish sauce and sugar to taste.
  8. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve hot.