Thai Fried Fish Cakes ,ทอดมัน (ทอดปลาเห็ด)

ทอดมัน (ทอดปลาเห็ด): Exploring the Delicious Thai Fried Fish Cakes

ทอดมัน (ทอดปลาเห็ด): Exploring the Delicious Thai Fried Fish Cakes


ทอดมัน (ทอดปลาเห็ด), known as Tod Mun or Tod Pla Het, is a beloved Thai dish famous for its fried fish or mushroom cakes. These delectable cakes offer a delightful combination of flavors and textures, making them a popular choice among Thai locals and foreigners alike.


Here’s how you can prepare Tod Mun (ทอดมัน) at home:

  1. Start with your choice of fresh fish fillets or mushrooms as the main ingredient.
  2. Combine the fish or mushrooms with a mixture of red curry paste, kaffir lime leaves, and finely sliced green beans.
  3. Add a bit of fish sauce, sugar, and an egg to bind the ingredients together.
  4. Shape the mixture into small cakes and deep-fry them until they turn golden brown and crispy.
  5. Serve with a sweet chili dipping sauce and garnish with fresh cilantro and sliced cucumbers.

This delightful Thai dish has gained significant popularity among foreigners visiting Thailand due to its irresistible taste and crispy texture. The combination of aromatic herbs, savory fish or mushrooms, and a hint of spice makes Tod Mun a favorite appetizer or snack for those exploring Thai cuisine.